Thursday 15 December 2011

iPad Primitive

New beginnings
or perhaps new ways of beginning.
Learning to doodle on my iPad.

It's a matter of taking the time
to explore the possibilities and
getting used to a different rhythm
of doing.

I discovered transparency.
Like it.
Could be a useful tool for testing ideas.

Then Handy Hubby told me I could import photos
and so stitching ideas are gathering on top of shibori silk.
Think this app is called Inspire Pro.
Could be very useful....
certainly fun.


  1. interesting possibilities there, i had no idea one could doodle on an ipad

  2. one can still do this too on the "regular" computer :): starting to stitch over something is sometimes quite daunting so i find if i scribble on a design in the program, or print it out, and try that way, it's quite intriguing to see the different effects one can get. fast tech meets slow hand :)

  3. I didn't know you could do this on either an ipad OR a pc. It looks as if it has loads of potential - and it looks a teeny bit addictive... Oh, and it looks fabulous too :-)

  4. Mmm... I like that. I love the overlay on the silk. What a great app.

    Jacky xox

  5. Just got android tablet - must see if there's something similar in the Android market...

  6. So many possibilities these days... we artists need to know so much! I was just thinking about the poor folks who are hopeless at computers, all the grants and show submissions all seem to be via the internet these days. Thank goodness I figured out all the uploading and all that when I started blogging, I think it has made a difference when applying to grants, I know my way around so to speak.

    Happy high-tech doodling!

  7. need to see if that will work on my kindle fire. i did download a couple of drawing programs but this one looks great. love how you overlayed the stitches on your cloth.

  8. Most excellent...both the program and your explorations with it!

  9. Oh that's fun! I'll have to try something like that in photoshop. That should work too.

  10. I presume that's Photoshop, Arlee, because Photoshop allows for everything...I think it can do the dishes too!

    I don't expect to be creating art with this technology. All of us who read this blood are way too tactile for that! But it can be a tool.

  11. Way cool and interesting. You know Leonardo would be using this tool!


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