Sunday 31 March 2013

Happy Easter

So far this Spring has been a great Winter!

Tennis balls freeze outside 
while Rusty Pups come inside to warm up the fire.
But then
the sun comes out again
and there is a spring in everyone's step again.

Springtime blessings on you all.

Wednesday 27 March 2013

Daybreak on the Basin

Walking along the Basin as the sun comes up

Way down there on the horizon
the suns rays hit rooftops in Digby

Birds were very active this morning
Small groups of geese flew overhead
and ducks paddled the waters 
reacquainting themselves with their surroundings

One RP chased a deer across the marshlands
and got a big finger wagging when she returned.
A murder of crows cawed a noisy hullabaloo
but I couldn't see eagle in sight.

Tuesday 26 March 2013

Starting Points

Design wall
Bits and pieces of cloth
A Threesome that can provide hours of fun.
That middle strip of seductive silk velvet
surprisingly adds nothing to this arrangement.

Much better to my eye.

On another wall
a second piece is being designed
but can't show you right now...

Showing you more
might give away this surprise for somebody special!

Monday 25 March 2013

Scratched So Far This Year

At the end of March I will start a separate scroll for the next three months.
They will be separate but will either button or Velcro together when necessary.
Life will be easier looking back through several smaller scrolls than one looooooong one!

The grass was revealed
and low and behold the geese arrived back
from their winter vacation
on Mark's Birthday

This week we sprayed marks onto blue fabric

The snow came back with a vengeance!
We're wallowing in it

Decided to put some blue back on my discharged fabric.
On Friday our Steve and Andi came round
and so, four place settings.
We have the greatest neighbours

On Saturday monochrome was the word
For Sunday I used two of the button loops from my wedding dress
and then went loopy!

Friday 22 March 2013

Springtime Travellers

They're back!
Waddling around 
under a bright afternoon sun

Gorging after their long journey.
But since taking these snapshots
they must be having second thoughts
'cos we're deep in snow again.

Those who hung around all winter
are forming into welcome home parties

under the shade of Diane's Rhododendron
a handsome pheasant ignores all the excitement

Thursday 21 March 2013

Discharged Play

It's so important to take the time to play....
and not take things too seriously...
and allow accidents to become an opportunity.

Spraying over threads
my favourite so far

Couldn't resist playing around with this photo
exaggerating everything

Folded and dipped
straight laced

Monday 18 March 2013

Scratch, Scratch, Scratching Away!

First of all...
apologies for the quality of these pics...
they were done in a rush under difficult lighting.

On Monday I was paging through a favourite book
by Marija Gimbutas.
Because Spring is on it's way
(hopefully sooner rather than later)
I thought a "ship of renewal" as found in Scandinavian rock art
might encourage Spring on her slow journey to this part of the world.

It rained most of the day
puddles were gathering in the garden
So I felt like making a puddle with bling!
Not a very beautiful puddle though.
(The first time I've scratched with beads''
and probably the last!)

For Thursday, I just went with the flow.
On Friday we made tracks up the valley as the snow fell
all for a mammogram!
Not my favourite way of spending a day.

just doodling

Friends had a wine tasting party with a difference...
they were all our home made wines.
And guess who won for the best red wine...
my Handy Hubby!

Thursday 14 March 2013

Work in Progress

Started by stitching myself in black thread
except for the red glasses of course!
looked way too boring
it needed a bit of fun
It's on a very sheer lawn
can't add anything too heavy
so stitched on some sheers.
Now I'm wondering what to do
on the enormous amount of background that surrounds me.
Do I add stitch?
Do I stitch in a myriad of colours or just white?

Wednesday 13 March 2013

If You Were Down On The Dike Today

You would have caught sight of a weathered sentry
standing tall among bushy chaos...

Leaves that amazingly still cling to trees
after a windy winter
and yet
in our woods we've lost about five entire trees....

You would have seen a thick blanket of cloud
kissing the top of the North Mountain....

And you would have seen the scallop fishermen
returning home.
My goodness this one needs a new paint job does it not!

Tuesday 12 March 2013

If You Were In The Woods Today

You would have seen icy snow
hovering over the stream....

Fungi clinging on the sunny sides of trees....

Fallen trees slowly enriching the land...

Lush green lichen spreading over broken bark....

And perhaps a Rusty Pup of two
If only I could find the other one but
She's off hunting deeper in the woods.

Monday 11 March 2013

A Week Scratched on Cloth

Perhaps winter is waning.

On Monday fourteen of us met at Laurie's home
Some of us knit great socks!
Not me...I never did finish my one attempt! 

Handy Hubby looked out the front window
and there on the front porch was a mink
looking back at him.

Mark and Donna have set a June date for their wedding.

Handy Hubby went down the road to help a friend
bottle his wine.

Time on Face Time organizing

Taking snapshots of  this week's scratchings
I smashed my one year old camera
against that rock
and now the lens cover is smashed into a thousand pieces.
Oh joy!

Supposed to illustrate "springing forward"
'cos we jumped forward to daylight savings time.

Tuesday 5 March 2013

A Monochromatic World

The Teasels are still standing tall through wind and snow

The squirrels are out munching even as the snow swirls around them

The old rusty wheel is probably rusting up a bit more
getting ready to transfer that lovely colour onto cotton next summer

The baby spruce are weighed down with a fresh coating
it's hard to believe
I spied snowdrops preparing to bloom just a couple of days ago