Sunday 10 October 2021

Bits and Pieces from "In the Middle of the World"

I have been stuck for words
Not knowing what say about sharing this beautiful space
with my dear friend Judy Martin 

We are both inspired by the landscapes we live in
Hers on the shores of Manitoulin Island
Mine in the tangled woods around the Annapolis Basin in Nova Scotia.

My process has been for many years influences by these words from 
Peter London's book 'Drawing Closer to Nature'.
"Find a portion of the world that is close at hand and adopt it. Become acquainted with it. Draw closer to it by staying with it over a long course of time. In all seasons, all times of the day, all weathers, all circumstances of your own life. The more often you return to this chosen portion of Nature, the more finally you will be able to perceive its more delicate features, as well the slow-to-emerge patterns and rhythms."

Each piece is about how the natural world around me has touched me.

Every piece has a story connected to simple daily observations
of life in the woods and marshes and shorelines
around me. 

I understand the immensity of Judy's pieces
I have driven with her through the mighty rock cuts of northern Ontario
I have sat with her looking out over the endless horizons of Lake Huron.

Love this photo of pieces waiting their turn to be hung!
So many thanks to our young curator, Miranda Bouchard, who works so diligently on our behalf
and writes so beautifully about our work.
(You can see her curatorial statement in the MVTM link below)
So many thanks to Melanie and Michael at the Mississippi Valley Textile Museum
who have provided the best environment for our show
which will remain there until December 17th, 2021.

Happy Thanksgiving!