Tuesday 31 October 2017

Stone Markings for Halloween

Marking a grey stone with rusty coloured threads
One of my favourite colour combinations.

 Strange shape
Strange markings
Perhaps appropriate.... it being Halloween today.

Don't you think that stone
looks like a piece of crumpled paper?
It looks more delicate than my heavy handed interpretation
in this photograph.

And how about looking at the world upside down?
A boomerang from an Australian point of view!

This was fun
A bit like Tiptoeing over a brown speckled egg.

Considering the background painting,
I wish I had stitched my marks with rust again.

Have a great day
Put your mark on it!

Wednesday 25 October 2017

A Week of Mark Making With Needle and Paintbrush

Gentle Grey
Gentle Soul
Gentle thoughts
My favourite for this week.

Last week I had the privilege of participating
in a workshop given by Leya Evelyn.
Thank you Leya

 How does a stone get a gentle glow of a mark like that?

the secondary marks I made
(only five insignificant stitches)
must have been on the other side of this one!

Love that single black speck of a mark.

Slice of pie

And at some time in it's life
someone took a bite out of this one.

Monday 16 October 2017

Counting Stones

This pretty little flat stone is number 281.
That's if my math is right.
I don't have that many fingers!

Moving right along to a speckled ruby red.

What.....more pink!
I'm liking this one.

Another case of Nature stitching marks
way more beautifully than I.

Random rusting

I am really fond of rust stained rocks.

A mammoth of a stone.
Makes me think of a Nautilus.
Well, it is kind of fossil like.

This week Diane, Grace, Sherry and I
went down to Ste. Anne University
on the French Shore
where Nadine and another Diane
taught us about silk screen printing.
Oh, well
There is obviously a lot more to learn!

This week Handy Hubby and I received our flu shots
Now Handy Hubby has the flu!
Or at least a reaction to the needle.

78 stones to go.
Happy stitching

Wednesday 11 October 2017

Playing Catch-up after Friend-filled Thanksgiving

We gathered friends around us and celebrated Thanksgiving.
Thank you all for enriching our lives.

Now I'm playing Stone Pathways catchup.

Wonder if stones enjoy the company of friends too.

Or are they lonesome creatures

despite spending their lives

surrounded by millions of others
along rocky shorelines.

I simply love this one!


Monday 9 October 2017

Keep on Rocking!

A rock party on the Fundy Shore

Basalt flat rocks watching the tide go out.

A beautiful sunshiny day clambering over rocks.

Patchwork stone

Born with a beautiful birthmark.

Simply handsome.

Can a stone be old fashioned?

Perhaps this stone was born among the clouds.
I like that idea.

Tiny enough to be stitched in thread.

Grey elegance.

Happy Thanksgiving Canada!