Wednesday 31 October 2012

We're Late, We're Late for a Very Important Date!

Some geese flew overhead before the storm
because I had been playing with mark making with Diane

I wanted to snap them
just as marks in the sky.

I'm posting this and scheduling it before the storm just in case we loose power.

Tuesday 30 October 2012

A Bird's Breakfast

The Cardinals are back at the feeder
after spending the heat of summer
in the woods

They are catching up with all the gossip
over a plate of seeds.

Monday 29 October 2012

Scratching Life

Week number 42 I think

The cardinals are back at the bird feeder

Exploring stitch
an autumn day trip in the car

On Thursday Diane and I
played in our sketchbooks
and watched an eagle overhead

On Friday

the RP's and I walked

through an all embracing fog

One of the pleasures of daily scratching this year
has been just exploring stitch.
And so this brings us to October 28th.
Halloween is nearly here
and we wait to see what super storm Sandy will bring this week.

Sunday 28 October 2012

Misty Moisty Mornings

Starting our walk
It looked like early morning mist rising

But in fact it was descending
and soon we were walking
in a thick pea soup fog.

Back at home I stitched a bit more
on last Sunday's scratchings.
Good luck to all of you
in the path of this monster storm coming our way.

Tuesday 23 October 2012

I know...Enough Already!

Every leaf speaks bliss to me,
Fluttering from the autumn tree.
Emily Bronte

Monday 22 October 2012

A Week Gone By and Scratched

This week took up a lot of fabric and thread

Days are getting shorter
Nights are closing in

Tuesday felt like a patchwork kind of a day

That red berry lying on the path
got me thinking grey and red

First frost was on Thursday
Boy it was cold on the dike
my finger tips never warmed up

Just playing on Friday

On Saturday we fulfilled our civic duty
in Municipal Elections

A pair of mallards frolicked in the pond.
I was going to fill the background with long grasses
but ran out of time!

Saturday 20 October 2012

How Can Anyone Stay Inside on a Day Like This?

Oh, the yellow grasses
and the scarlet maple leaves

the less showy oranges of Fall

and the scruffy reeds.
So inspiring each and every one.

Friday 19 October 2012

Frosted Woodland and a Woodland Bear

First frost of the season this morning

Little rose leaves edged in cold.

Dark brown branches against orangey red leaves.
Love it.

It being the season of beautiful woodlands
I was reminded of this little bear
made at least 20 years ago
He is called Woodland Bear.

I was into silk ribbon back then

Handy Hubby made his joints.

Being a Woodland Bear he enjoys reposing in fallen leaves!
If he were being stitched today
he would look very different.

Thursday 18 October 2012

Walking before Breakfast

Rosehips heavy with early morning dew

A little bit of red in the middle of the path
probably dropped by someone
as they ran for shelter as the RP's approached

The long necked one is out there every morning
fishing on the mudflats

for his breakfast.

Many leaves have fallen
but lots more to come

Wednesday 17 October 2012

Rain Walking

A mountain walk in the rain

water everywhere

Beads of water formed

on fallen leaves
but only on the ones that landed upside down.

Monday 15 October 2012

Scratched This Week

We started the week with Thanksgiving
followed by two days of just trying stitches
Then a windy, windy day

and the herons were back at the pond.

The coyotes were howling not far away
on our early morning walk.
The RP's and I walked a bit faster back along the dike than usual!

We lit the first fire of the season.
It's wet and windy
The leaves are falling
so I played with leaves.

Leaves of every colour are falling to the ground

Some are salmon in colour

but none are striped like this!
That's the trouble with variegated threads I find.

Sometimes it is the dullest that I like the most.