Friday 31 December 2021

A New Year's Wish for You

My favourite New Year wish for you
first posted on January 1, 2014.

May your day be filled with blessings
Like the sun that lights the sky,
And may you always have the courage
To spread your wings and fly!

May your past be a pleasant memory,
Your future filled with delight and mystery,
Your now a glorious moment,
That fills your life with deep contentment.

May your troubles be less
And your blessings be more
And nothing but happiness
Come through your door.

May the nourishment of the earth be yours
May the clarity of light be yours
May the fluency of the ocean be yours
May the protection of the ancestors be yours.

Blessings on you and yours this new year.

Saturday 11 December 2021

Our Show is Closing on December 18th With a Closing Online Conversation


Judy Martin, Miranda Bouchard and I would like to invite you
to a closing reception online at Zoom.
Like last time you can register through this link

I noticed that you have to scroll down their page to get to the
registration link.

We are very grateful for all of you who have managed to make the trip to see our show.
The Mississippi Valley Textile Museum tell us that it has been very well attended
considering all the Covid restrictions.

If you have been there very recently you will have met photographer Paul Latour who has been documenting the show.

The two installation images here are by Paul.

Perhaps we will see you online in seven more days!

Sunday 5 December 2021

When Beavers Live Close By


It amuses me that the beaver sticks have gathered in their own little corner of the show.

"Chasing the Moon"
Memories of daily walks down to the marshlands
Watching as the landscape changed when beavers moved in.

When they moved in and built oh so many dams
what was a meandering stream became a lake
covering all the grass you see here.

They would greet me and the Rusty Pups
with noses just above water
and sharp black eyes watching....
....then with a noisy slap of the tail on the water's surface
they would casually get on with their business.
I imagined that slap to be a greeting 
but of course it must have been a claim to territory where we were not welcome

My work is a bringing together of snippets of memory
Trees stripped of bark and marked by strong beaver teeth
Cold dark waters of winter
Marshland grasses that flourished so well in that watery environment
But turned golden yellow in the long wintery months.

On winter mornings after a good snowfall
the beaver tracks were easy to find 
 revealing nighttime activity and favourite pathways
 leading from water's edge towards the woods and back again

The black velvet water so uninviting on a cold winter's day
yet a refuge, a place of safety where beavers can thrive.

And of course a moon on a windy, winter's night
whilst I am warm and safe in my bed
the beaver were busy as beavers tend to be
fixing leaky dams
and storing edible trees underwater.
Such fascinating creatures who can change a landscape with two strong front teeth!

 I hope you too find joy in observing nature at work.

So many thanks to Susan Purney Mark and Miranda Bouchard for their photos of the show.