Wednesday 2 November 2011

Still Playing Catch-up

It seems that returning home from travels
involves a lot of catching up on things other than 

I left my studio in a bit of a mess and need to tidy it up and organize my thoughts.

In the meantime here are a few lovely rusty things.

The rusty pups and I found huge rusty things up the quarry road. 

My grandmother's button box sits in a shady spot
so as not to fade the beautiful inlay woodwork.

It still brims with buttons
that I have loved to play with since the age of three.

And then of course there are the rusty pups 
with whom I have to play catch-up too.


  1. I ablsolutely adore your rusty pups as we were once proud owners of a rusty pup we miss dearly. Love to see them together in your photos. How wonderful to have two!

    Your button box reminds me of the box my grandmother left me. Oh the box is nothing as lovely as your but oh the contents! All her costume jewelry i used to sit on her bed and play with when i was little........

    Now i think its sad they sit in the box unseen and i many eventually incorporate them into some artwork or jewelry pieces to wear now. Thnaks so much for sharing.......deb

  2. Rust is such a wonderful thing to find and play with. If I had found it, I'd be wrapping it up and dragging it home. Ha. Button are a get toy. I still play with mine - and I'm about to get down to the beginning of my sixth decade. Joy,

  3. I've come to really think about going away for workshops - or even if they're local, if the supply list is large that's time spent gathering that I might prefer to be working - and then there's the putting away again plus catching up to all I missed while I was gone. So a two day workshop can be a 5 day event! Nice to see what you did with India - you got some lovely markings!

  4. ah that reminds me, what ever happened to my grandmother's button box?

  5. That box is so lovely. My nana had a button box too, one of my earliest memories is playing with her buttons, I wish I knew what happenned to it.

  6. I spent hours with my mother's button box as a girl. She died when I was only 11 and those buttons and their box were my tie to her. I would lie on the bed with all the buttons spread out on the spread and just move them around idly. I still love buttons and always have to have some sitting on my worktable whether I'm using them or not.

  7. dutch rusts...has to be changed in
    rust makes restless

    all the rusty objects I want to play with, all the granny's buttons I want to use....what rich women we are

    love to you and the rusty puppies

  8. rusty beech leaves like stained glass in the sunlight....

  9. I remember sorting my mother's button box as a sort of quiet entertainment when I was poorly as a child. So many of these experiences that are common across the world!

  10. So many of us attracted to our grandmothers' buttons!

  11. Lovely rusted things, but the rusty pups are THE BEST!! I have my grandma's buttons too - she used to keep them in a very ornate cookie tin, which is long gone. I sometimes wonder where it went.


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