Saturday 16 October 2010

Needle weaving from my Dark and Distant Past

Reckon I was nine or ten when I stitched this Jacobean embroidery with needleweave filling at school.  Gosh that was a loooooong time ago.  It was so long ago that the curriculum included 'needlwork'.
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  1. how extraordinary that you still have it and even more that it is so neat for a 9yo. Thanks for showing us and for showing how it can be used. k.

  2. What a clever little girl you were! I can just see you beavering away, surrounded by a jumble of needles, cloth and thread.....a favourite pastime, I expect? And what was your next favourite?

  3. it's lovely. will you do more of it?

  4. Oh my, Penny, you must beckon Jude to pop over & have a look at this, too... How wonderful that you still have it! Would it be like riding a bike - could you pick up a needle & do this today???

  5. I think it's a huge shame that they don't offer these sorts of things in school anymore - it's a great loss. You certainly did a great job for someone that young!

  6. They worked us hard at school. We had to undo it if it didn't pass inspection!

  7. How wonderful this is! I remember doing embroidery as part of my home economics class when I was around 12, not this elaborate though....


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