Wednesday 19 December 2012

Chilly Puddles and Frozen Computers

Chilly Lines

Icey drawings

Captive threads

See the apples frozen beneath the ice?

Frozen puddle islands
Just to warn you...computers are freezing and misbehaving here
So if I disappear...
my computer has blown up
and I'm off to find a new one!


  1. Wonderfully beautiful patterns! Thank you! Good luck with your computer.

    1. We are pulling our hair out with frustration!

  2. Lines and layers and frozen apples. We're in a warming trend down here, after putting my snowpoles in with a crow bar the other day, they are now leaning over here and there in the mud. Oh well, I know winter will be back.

    Love that bottom image with a bit of a radial sun pattern bottom right.

  3. Very cool but also a little eerie- reminds me of Lord of the Rings!

  4. Tell the computers to hang on until the New Year sales! Love the icy photos, full of fascinating patterns.


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