Tuesday, 29 September 2015

Inverness County Centre for the Arts

Handy Hubby and I drove my work
all the way up to Cape Breton
We started with my Daily Scratchings
which now need a wall at least 21 feet long.
Don't you love the shadows dripping down from each loop.

We filled the walls
according to our plan which we previously worked
out on our basement walls.
Must say that trying to work out a hanging plan before we got there
really helped.
We had worked out all the kinks before getting to the gallery.

Working things out ahead was of course Handy Hubby's idea.
He often has such great ideas!

As we worked away hanging in our gallery
the artist and printmaker Maria Doering
was climbing scaffolding in another gallery
 as she worked on her installation "Inside Me".
SAQA Atlantic Canada show "Structures"
covers the walls around Maria's piece.

Outside the gallery knitted windsocks danced on the sea breezes.

So many thanks to Handy Hubby for all his help in all I do.


  1. wonder way to show your daily scratchings! love the shadow, like fringe has been added.

  2. Oh yes, a hanging plan does really help, doesn't it. Otherwise the hanging process can seem neverending!

  3. What a great opportunity for you to share your inspiring work. You've made the world a more beautiful place.
    Your husband is a treasure.

  4. What a beautiful exhibition. Your work looks wonderful in the mix. Hand-knitted windsocks!! Why didn't I think of that?!

  5. Looks like a beautiful exhibition Jenny. xx

  6. I do so look forward to your comments. I also have a handy hubby, and the support is just fantastic, isn't it? I have started stitching with a weekly goal in mind. Thank you for inspiring me.

  7. How much would I like to visit and see in person your extraordinary work. I see pieces that you have described in yr blog in the last years, it is like a trip in the past in some ways...

  8. Congratulations Penny. Your work looks fabulous. You are so modest in the way you speak about your work and about showing us enough photos of it installed. xo More please.

  9. I love the way the daily scratchings look...I sure would love to see this work of yours in person!


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