Wednesday 2 October 2024

Re:Play - A Show Opening on October 6th

Is a Connections Fibre Artists group show
Opening on Sunday October 6, 2024, 1-3 pm
At Wellington County Museum, Fergus Ontario 

Each of us had to choose a toy from the museum’s collection
I chose this lovely rag doll
It seemed to suit my plant dyed fabrics
I imagined that the mother who made this doll for her child had used 
fabrics she had on hand…with no trips to the shops!
And finally I thought that any self respecting rag doll deserved a few blankets for her hope chest.

Thread Story - One

I chose to use scraps from my stash
Scraps inherited from my mother’s stash
Lace from my own wedding dress
Bits and pieces of explorations in stitch that had been rejected for past projects.

Thread Story - Two

Bits and pieces that had been gifted to me
Like the piece of whitish bark cloth laid on top of the brown fabric
This was a gift From Al during the 2023
Connections retreat at Crieff.
A place where lots of sharing goes on.

Thread Story - Three

But as is usual with me….
the thread and stitching became the most important part of the story.
I just can’t resist… there is no point in holding back!
It is not just the rhythmic act of stitching
It is also the texture of tiny ripples as layers of cloth become one through many, many stitches.
There is hardly an inch without stitch!

They became known as Thread Stories in my mind.

A favourite corner with a tiny shot of colour from my mother’s stash.

A precious piece of my wedding dress lace.
It was a bolt of lace given to my grandfather during WWII
He was a doctor before the National Health existed
And so this lace had been in payment for some kind of treatment.
My grandfather passed away before I was three….but I remember him.
My grandmother, Robin, kept the bolt of lace all those years until my wedding in 1969.
Then she and my mother made it into a hooded coat to go over my wedding dress.

So special to have that link between the generations.

There were several scraps with holes
And I felt the need to add bright patches as reverse appliqué to peak through.
My foundation fabric for this piece was an old linen serviette
As I stitched the rolled edge of the serviette began to tear away.
I didn’t have the heart to remove it and so just let it drape down and kept in place with more stitches.

The memories we are leaving behind with our stitches
Will soon be hidden from those who do not know!

Enjoy your memories!
And all are welcome for the opening on Sunday of course.

Tuesday 24 September 2024

Rusty Pups at Play


It has been quite a year for one of these girls

Rusty Pup Brandy started the year with a torn ligament operation
Followed by allergies and scratchings and hair loss
Then Thyroid diagnosis
It is only now that she walks freely and happily.
Her fur has grown back.
She is happy again

One day about a year our friend Michael knocked on the back Door with stuffed toys 
For the Rusty Pups.
I was a bit sceptical because our previous rusties would have chewed them to bits
In seconds.

However these two gentle souls are happy just carrying their toys around
And love to be chased as I try to get the toys back.

Not wanting furry stuffies 
destroyed outside in the mud and the rain
I trained the pups to drop their toy before going through the back door.
They caught on very quickly and I was pretty impressed.

But this summer I decided they had earned the right to take furry toys outside.
Trouble is they are so well trained……I have to carry the toys outside and
they won’t bring them back through the door when it is time to come in!
And….when I pick up a toy to bring it inside they think it is time for a
game of grab the toy from Mom!

Brilliant training
Now how to un train!

Oh to be a spoilt pooch!

Monday 23 September 2024

Dealing with Mother Nature

Three ladders required
Two to hold up a fallen tree leaning on wires

One for a crazy Handy Hubby to be an arborist

Phew….Finally sawed through after two afternoons of work
The top of the tree is stuck in the branches of its neighbour now!

But with the skill of an engineer’s brain
It is down
And the telephone still works!

No more climbing in ladders…please!
Way too old for this kind of caper.

Don’t try this at home!

Sunday 22 September 2024

More Little Vignettes from In the Middle of the World in Annapolis Royal



I think this was the only photo taken of the three of us
We were all so focused on the work
But it was grand being together for a few days

Reaching for the light

Thank you to so many who managed to come out on such a rainy day
We were kept busy at the opening

I never even had time for a glass of wine!

Handy Hubby great photo of Judy’s 
Prayer to the Sky
I can see every French knot
Every stitch
Made me wonder how many stitches are in this gallery!

November Song
Dancing in the Wind
Winter’s Edge

Follow the Moon

One of my favourite photos
Just a casual little corner
Taken by Handy Hubby.

Have a great day

Saturday 14 September 2024

Happy Birthday Steven on this Day of Memory


Happy Birthday Steven

This would have been your 52nd birthday

My goodness me, son, that’s old!

We lost you when you were 21

But I still feel you around

In the sea breezes that touch my face on morning walks

But mainly whenever an eagle visits….. I imagine it is you

Telling me you are just fine.

Happy birthday son

I remember birthdays with Baskin Robins Ice cream cakes

I remember gifts of Star Wars Lego

Everything Star Wars!

And of course goalie hockey equipment

You certainly loved your hockey!

I remember sketchbooks full to the brim of your art.

I am grateful to all your friends

Who gathered and kept you alive with their stories of you!

God bless


Friday 13 September 2024

In the Middle of the World at ArtsPlace Ready for Visitors

I want to talk about line of sight.

All three gallery locations where In the Middle of the World was hung

created interesting lines of sight showing layers of work

And interesting half hidden teasers of what might be coming into sight around the corner.

 Miranda Bouchard, Judith Martin me and our helping husbands

created this intimate and enticing layout!

And as Judy said…just like a walk in the woods.

Love it!

Eternity by Judy Martin
Beaver Moon Dreaming by Penny Berens
Medicine Earth by Judy
 luckily we could hang Judy’s pieces away from the wall 
Allowing viewers to peak behind it. For as you must know Judy’s work is always two-sided.
Then we have another of my pieces…November Song

Prayer to the Sky by Judy Martin
 Chasing the Moon by Penny Berens
Thoughts and Memories and Dreams by Judy

Eternity Judy’s
Stoney Island Memories mine
Whispering Cairn mine
Prayer to the Sky Judy’s

Textiles add warmth and intimacy to every space.
Some thought it was like entering a cathedral
When I looked down that long wall I thought of old English manors
Where tapestries were hung on the walls for warmth.
The folk at ArtsPlace noticed it had reduced the echoes in the gallery.
The wonders of textile arts!

I became fascinated by the shadows forming under my wall hangings.
Love that!

….and the shadows behind and beneath Judy’s work too.

So many thanks to Sophie and Geoff at ArtsPlace

Thank you for reading my meanderings!
Have a wonderful day!

Monday 9 September 2024

Installing ‘In the Middle of the World’ at ArtsPlace in Annapolis Royal

 Before we even began this beautiful vase of flowers arrived from Margi and Kathryn
Our fabulous friends
Thank you both so very much
A lovely beginning for two days of installing.
Boy that task is exhausting!

To get started we wanted to get an easy wall done
We chose
Underfoot the Earth Divine and Resting at Low Tide
Perfect pairing n’est ce pas!
Off to a great start!

Then our precious work lounged about on the floor as we considered what next.

Judy began preparing Eternity for hanging from the ceiling.
And, Handy Hubby, Richard fiddled with straightening.

Judy’s Ned and I discussing something or other
Boy there were a lot of decisions to make!

Miranda Bouchard our brilliant curator and companion from the start of our In the Middle of the World project was in charge of installation of course.
She and Handy Hubby must have been fixing something.
I forget!

She was up and down those ladders like a mountain goat.

Nearly ready to hang Eternity.

Then it was up
And Handy Hubby could get to work on placing my works 
According to Miranda’s plan.

We were ready for coffee and a snack!

Miranda and Ned 
Where to hang Judy’s bundles.

Surely we are done!
Sorry to bore you
But had to have a record for myself
And thank these wonderful people for such a long two days
With a magnificent end result…..

Next time I will show you the show!