Wednesday 1 January 2020

Happy New Year!

A rainbow and it's shadow closed out the year
in our neck of the woods.

I wish for you my favourite Celtic Blessing
for the start of this new decade

May your past be a pleasant memory
Your future filled with delight and mystery
Your now a glorious moment
that fills your life with deep contentment

ay your day be filled with blessings
Like the sun that lights the sky
And may you always have the courage
To spread your wings and fly.

And I'm sure the Rusty Pups would join me
in wishing you the best year ever.

I'm sure they would if a tasty treat was placed under their noses!

 My holiday stitching has been very simple
just adding lines of stitches to a favourite piece
of plant dyed linen.

The story is forming and I think it wants to be called
Stay Awhile

Have a great day!


  1. Beautiful photos and blessing! Words are important, good words are a treasure.
    I like your progress on Stay a While.
    Happy New Year!

  2. Thank you for the blessing. I think I need it.

  3. Happy New Year to you and yours and the Rusty Pups! Beautiful pics and I'm loving your new work! Can't wait to see more!

  4. Happy New Year Penny, I look forward to your stitchy and Rusty Pup sharings of 2020, I hope your days are filled with contentment

  5. I'm sure the Rusty Pups will help you to spread your wings and fly!

  6. Happy 2020 to you and your family (and of course those amazing RP's too!). I haven't heard that Celtic blessing/quote before - it's a wonderful one.

  7. Wishing you, and yours, a fantastic 2020, Penny !!

  8. Happy New Year to you and the Rusty Pups! And looking forward to seeing Stay Awhile develop. xoxoox


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