Because we share this land with coyotes and bobcats
outside activity (and there is a lot of it!)
has to be constantly supervised.
Sometimes one needs to find sanctuary
I made the mistake of thinking I would get some weeding done
as I supervised outdoor activities.
Of course the Rusty Pups wanted to help and so
they discovered the joys of
romping through foliage
and tasty flowers.
And boy the garden WAS beautiful this year!
They also discovered the joys of munching on tiny stones.
Quite an acquired taste.
With trees being chopped up we are all covered in tree sap
impossible to remove!
What the heck is all that water falling from the skies?
Who can resist this face!
A stick always has to be shared.
Soon I am going to have to find some snippets of time
to get back to stitching two pieces started earlier in the month.
They have to be one next month.
But the sun is shining and Rusty Pups also need to be trained!