Monday 4 February 2019

A February Beginning

Sunday morning I played around with new stones
thinking they were going to be grey
but perhaps because it is the bleak mid-winter
the stones turned a warmer colour.

 This piece is inspired by Mark's paintings of
stones disappearing under water.
He is brilliant at that.
For both of us scenes like this bring up whisperings of
summers spent on beautiful Georgean Bay.
For those of you in Toronto don't forget
The Artist Project at the Better Living Centre
February 21-14, 2019
Mark Berens will be at Booth 506.

Strips of plant dyed fabrics 
soon to become rocks.

By Sunday evening I was happily couching away.
I have based the background onto an old blanket
and it is like stitching butter.
The one thing about this kind of stitching is
it allows for mind wandering
as I stitched these delicious rusts and browns 
my mind whispered memories of
my beautiful Rusty Pups

They are dearly missed

As are their antics and adventures.

And then as I prepared this post
A photo demanded to be noticed
So much like my new stones.
I have a teacher who always says the piece you start next
should always be informed by the last piece you did.

Perhaps this means my next piece will have to be seaweed
in the colours of my Georgean Bay stones.

But I already have soooo many new beginnings just started!
But my mind is flowing with ideas on how to go about a seaweed piece.

It is so easy to have many ideas isn't it
The days just aren't long enough for their execution!

I hope you have a day rich in creative ideas.


  1. So much beauty here. We need it all so much these
    days. Thank you.

  2. I know that the more I do, the more ideas I have - enough to keep me happily busy for years!

  3. The painting is beautiful and I love the way your stones are coming along. Lots of inspiration in that seaweed picture. xx

  4. Love your stones, and the idea that the next project comes of inspiration from the last... it's working that way for me right now! <3

  5. the first picture made me gasp...all that future couching I knew you would be doing~! and that seaweed...the colors are so you!

    I teared up over the RP's...I have been having pet withdrawals myself.

    back to couching...i did some too, totally different from your earthy palette and natural fibers. but we already know i am your color opposite on the wheel....(big smile)

    I also played with rocks, this week, from past travels...could not remember where any of them came from! C'est la vie!

  6. You're stitching and ideas are always inspiring and beautiful.
    Isn't seaweed amazing in color and texture?
    We live close to the Pacific Ocean so I get hands on experience with different kinds of seaweed.

  7. I can identify with the too many ideas issue and find myself often frustrated because the days go by and most of my ideas never get beyond being just that. Then there's the case of having an idea, hauling out the main 'ingredient' to act on it, getting sidetracked and then not being able to remember why or what I had in mind. I spent two weeks trying to remember why I hauled out a round robin crazy quilt block and finally it occurred to me. Needless to say it's been written down now!! So nice to see those gorgeous Rusty Pups again, even though it makes me sad.

  8. missed this : so lovely Penny !!!

  9. Love, love the stitching, it is all so inspirational. I'm going to give it a try on a dress I want embelished with ethnic prints.

  10. Just found you! Beautiful, so much inspiration!! WOW! Thank you! I could dive right in to what you are up to. I live in Hawaii and this is what I love. Mahalo nui. Warm Aloha


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