Monday 10 September 2012

One Scratching Leads to the Next

Just an Ordinary Week really

A week of feathers
and blood tests

A week of days
Days that influence the one that comes next
Days that merge into one another.
I've been packing for a trip.


  1. I never tire of your journalling in stitch, it is so very inspiring <3

  2. your blood test - i hope all is well? good travels to you ( i get off the island myself this coming sunday, going off to denver to mom and dad' with daughter). -sus

  3. What a combination - I hope the trip is for pleasure!

  4. Love these little stitches, especially the drip, drip, ripple. Hope blood work turns out fine.

  5. Your stitchery makes even an 'ordinary' week seem quite 'unordinary'. Hope you are well.

  6. Your stitching is never ordinary. The feather is terrific, I like the different inclinations of the 2 sides.
    Coming this way, by chance?


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