Tuesday 17 December 2019

Moving Toward Year's End

Beaver Moon Dreaming
Still in progress but moving along

Thinking that they live in a watery world....
....I'm stitching swirls around the edges.
Sometimes those swirls break through stick walls
for I also know there is danger beyond their refuge.

Peace and companionship resides inside their lodge.
They even allow muskrats to share their home in Winter.

I am enjoying this stage of adding
and sometimes removing....

....as I work through my encounters with our local beavers
and the fact that they are no longer close by
because the bobcats and coyotes think they are delicious.
I miss them and the simple joy of 
finding their footprints
and worn paths on our early morning walks.
But they will surely be back in a year or two
to build up a new community.

As Winter Settles in and the New Year fast approaches
I have to admit I am no longer a 'winter person'
but I do love sunrise any time of year.

And walking with my Rusty Pup youngsters
is always a joyful adventure.

What a world we live in!

The RP's know exactly where every wild apple tree is in these woods
They think the rotten frozen windfalls are delicious!
Have to say I will be glad when the snow is too deep!

Snow snuffling
to see who is hiding beneath the brambles.
Could be a bobcat or a mouse
a snowshoe hare or perhaps a pheasant.
But the pheasant would have made his noisy escape
way before we arrived here!

Anyhoo, RP Ginger says
enjoy your day!


  1. Good Morning Penny and Pups - I have been watching for your posts and love this one in particular! The walks along the trails and dykes in the early mornings here in Kingston area must be as exciting as yours in NS - it is cold and white and the birds and small animals are busy making warm for winter! I love my morning walks and heading out now, but just had to drop a note to send love and Hally Christmas wishes your way!
    So hoping to have time with you in the new year - CRIEFF!! Maybe, yes?
    Hugs to hubby as well!

  2. I love your Beaver Moon Dreaming piece. I knew your piece was about your beloved beavers the moment I saw the first picture. Our beavers magically returned in the spring and were with us all summer and fall, much to my delight. Sadly, we also spotted a bobcat along our shoreline late in the summer. I hope 'my beavers' were smart and quick enough to stay out of harm's way.
    Best wishes to you and yours and your Rusty Pups for a happy and peaceful holiday season.
    Thank you for the continued inspiration.

  3. Love Beaver Moon Dreaming. Visually stunning & rich in meaning. beautiful beautiful piece!

  4. Love the shot of pup with snow on nose. Way too cute!

  5. The RP youngsters are loving the snow, aren't they!

  6. Beautiful photographs of your sunrise and a thoughtful piece of work. xx

  7. I learned something I didn't know - the fact that beavers will share their abode with muskrats. And I have to love the snow-covered RP nose!!


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