Tuesday, 3 August 2010

Warming up to Faces!

My work has never involved face. Studying with Jude Hill is bringing the storyteller out of me. To my surprise I really enjoyed sitting down with my morning coffee and filling pages with faces for beasts.
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  1. Hi Penny,
    I'm from Jude's class too. I like all of those faces - funny and clever to cute and thoughtful. I'm glad you started the blog - that is my hope too - to find the time to get one going. Love your photography too.

  2. Your faces made me smile. How lovely to sit down with a coffee and sketch some little personalities.
    I've always been a bit wary of using faces in my cloth pieces too, but doing Jude's classes has freed me up to try many new (and sometimes, for me, a bit scary) things.
    So glad you have started a blog so we can keep in touch.

    Jacky xox

  3. love it how most of your faces are smiling at me.


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