Tuesday, 13 January 2015

Birds of Winter

He plonked himself on the bird table
and stayed for a while...
...Hope he got his fill.

The cardinals have chosen this feeder as their favourite this winter.

The male still prefers having his feet on solid ground

Perhaps she is dropping sunflower seeds for him

Meanwhile on the basin there are hundreds of water birds.


  1. love to watch the birds at my feeder too, even have woodpeckers at mine

  2. Yesterday we had three piliated woodpeckers outside the window - flying in and out of the tree. They are also so vibrant and their color - at this time of the year is very welcome.

  3. Hundreds and thousands of waterbirds, no doubt - they must look really dramatic!

  4. What a delightful post. There is something about birds at feeders.....


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