Friday 7 October 2011

Feathered Beauties

Thanksgiving is just about here for us Canadians.
I'm grateful for the birds who share my space...
for the brilliant red Cardinal who carefully guarded his little ones this summer...
the jittery Pheasant who dares only visit the feeders in the depth of winter,
woody the woodpecker
and the Evening Grosbeaks who will soon be back to denude the crab apple tree...
for the American Goldfinches who always bring friends
and the humming birds who swoosh around our heads all summer long.

So happy the cardinal babies are growing strong
and another Goldfinch.
Grateful the two geese didn't choose our pond for nesting!
The Chickadees who are always here willing to gossip
and the little sparrow whose name I've forgotten
Most of all I'm grateful for the mighty Eagle who soars overhead.

Thankful for the Blue Jays who clown around my feeders
and even the squadron of pigeons....
for the seagulls riding the winds above
and the noisy crows who thankfully decided not to nest in the tree on the driveway this year!
For the beautiful Northern Flickers
and the Heron who spent most evenings in the pond this summer.
We enjoy their company so very much. 


  1. Wonderful post... I'm so grateful to my birds. Especially in winter when I can feed them. They bring me such joy - a bit of song and sprite in the deep snow days.

  2. Lovely mosaics and sentiments. We so need them in our lives.

  3. Oh the wonderful birds and their music!

  4. wow, what a variety of feathered friends!

  5. and i'm grateful for you posting up pics of all your beautiful birds, a delight to see

  6. Do you ever wonder why we love the birds so much? They mesmerize me. They interrupt my train of thought and speech with their appearance at the feeders or their calls from the tree.

    Yes, I too am grateful for the birds that find a home and meals at my house.
    xx, Carol

  7. I'm grateful for what you show us to be grateful about.
    There is a lot to be grateful isn't it?

  8. Full of gratitude for your post! I love the freedom of birds. I wish is could climb on the back of a bird and look down at the earth below me.

  9. Beauties, one and all!! What fine feathered friends you found in NS!

  10. We are so happy with our new abode - one of the reasons being that we're getting birds to come to the jays, chickadees and the occasional mourning dove are become regular visitors. Yay!!


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