Monday, 24 August 2015

Colour and Value

Thought I would carry on stitching the rusted cloth.
Wanted to try different colours and values.

It reminded me of the days I used to say
that value is more important than colour.
The new week looks pretty insipid
until you get to the cream on black!

Reddish Brown thread looks okay close up
but disappears at a distance.

Hardly notice the change in browns and beiges.

And of course the cream just popped out at me on the black.

Perhaps I have become a person of contrasts rather than
all the subtle colourings I seem to lean towards!
Oh, yes, but then it could just be that fading eyesight
of my senior years needs high contrast!


  1. Both contrast and tonality have their place. You need the contrasts to lift the tonal elements...

  2. Oh yes, lovely to make such stitch patterns onto your rust cloth !

  3. I love these contrasts. It makes the whole design 'pop'.

  4. I love the rusted cloth...such a rich looking piece.

  5. Really like these contrasts, looks like old rock. Great.

  6. This reminds me of a type of stitching - African I think. Your eyesight might be a problem, but my memory trumps it!


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