Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Darling Buds of May

Tiny blue dots populate the front flower beds in May

and purple cornflowers still nestle in their leafy green surroundings

Ugly duckings awaiting to burst into azalea glory

Blues and pinks hovering above speckled leaves

White buds hide beneath leafy foliage wait for warmer days.


  1. Lovely to see these delicate blooms. Many of our blooms have already come and gone -- although the 'biggies' like Dahlias are just now coming on.

  2. Looks a lot like my garden... unfortunately, all the leaves that I raked away blew back over some of the flowers, including the little forget-me-nots that don't look quite as delicate hurling themselves out above the leaves! No time for gardening at present!

  3. Goodness, May already! Lovely to see the buds and flowers.

  4. at last, Spring is here for you, starting with ForgetMeNots.


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