Sunday, 9 October 2011

Strangely Grateful

The thing is, my oven gave up the ghost as I cooked dinner last night.
Couldn't help but be thankful it wasn't Christmas Eve when the house will be full of hungry lads and lassies!
So on this Thanksgiving Day I am thankful for handy hubby who threw our dinner on the BBQ,
apple crisp and all!
I am especially thankful for my three boys
and for Donna who loves one of them!
And of course grateful for the rusty pups who rule our lives.

'Thank you' to you all for visiting here.
Thanks to those of you who share your thoughts on blogs, I so enjoy visiting with you.
I have to apologize for not being very responsive lately....
I've been so busy
and the day after tomorrow I'm off to Ontario.
Will post when I can but probably won't be back in full swing until November.
Gee whizz that's a long time!
I will miss your company.
Happy Thanksgiving


  1. What a lovely post. Happy Thanksgiving to YOU.

  2. Happy Thanksgiving to you too! I'm also thankful that I'll be seeing you soon. I can already hear the revving of the motors and the flying of the fabric!! LOL!

  3. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving! You will be missed.
    xoxo hugs

  4. Happy Thanksgiving!
    And happy are we that remember each and EVERY day that we ARE thankful.

    In return, you know I LOVE reading your blog and sharing a comment or two.

    Much love to you.
    Enjoy your holiday

  5. wishing you happy days. look forward to your return.

  6. Happy Thanksgiving to YOU! When we're grateful...we usually receive SO much more to be thankful FOR!

  7. Happy Thanksgiving indeed!

  8. Thankful to have found you and your blog. Enjoy your time in Ontario.

  9. safe travels. And I hope the new oven will be Awesome!

  10. Happy Thanksgiving - and don't you just love this holiday. Its such a welcome thing from all the other too busy, too frantic, too too holidays. Have a wonderful trip, we'll be waiting for your return.

  11. Happy Thanksgiving! Glad dinner was saved. :)

  12. And thank YOU for your blog and for sharing your beautiful work here. Happy Thanksgiving to you.

  13. Belated holiday wishes. I am so thankful for your blog. You are so inspiring and I look forward to each and every post. Safe travels and rest assured, I will be here when you return.


Thank you for taking the time to comment, your thoughts are most welcome.