
Friday 25 March 2011

Re-roofing Woes

My poor perennial flowerbed is somewhere under all this...

Fingers crossed that it survives to be beautiful again.
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  1. Oh goodness, I know the challenge of this! I had a new metal roof put on a few years ago. Luckily it was late winter and the flowers weren't up yet, but kitty Pasha was running around outside when HUGE guillotine sheets of metal came sailing off the roof. It was scary!
    Good luck!

  2. Oh, my goodness, Valerianna..Kitty Pasha was very brave to be outside. We've been keeping the rusty pups indoors!

  3. Maybe you could make a garden sculpture with all that slate to make up for losing your flowers.

  4. Yikes - what happened? was this planned or did you have a huge snowfall with hard bits in it?

  5. Yowzy!! This looks like a mess -- but it will soon be cleaned up and just in time for flowers to show up.

  6. You look at it and see a mess and I look at it and see art materials!!!! What are you waiting for......go get your acrylics!!! Bad time of year to be re-roofing. I hope the snowstorms are over.

  7. Carrie; they're not beautiful English slate tiles unfortunately.

    Kaite; luckily scheduled maintenance. Good thing we did it, they found things that could have been problems in the future.

    My goodness AM - you see potential there!

    Penny; Come on the green!

  8. I think I saw something on the web a couple of years ago. A lady was painting photos on old roofing material, and not the lovely slate tiles, either!!

  9. Somehow I feel pretty confident it will look beautiful! Gilly

  10. The nice thing about perennials is that they are pretty durable until they come up!

  11. an artist here in Aus had a whole exhibition based on drawings on slate, using a white chalky paint and little pin holes she had drilled into it.

  12. It’s good that you pointed this out. I thought I would be worrying only about the mess when doing roofing. I should just stick to flower boxes, I guess. By the way, how did it all go with the plants and the roof? -->Elizabeth


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