
Wednesday 23 March 2011

Leading Nowhere

In an attempt to jump start moving out of the doldrums
Strip upon strip of rusted and dyed cottons rose in piles on table tops.

The sewing machine tamed them into submission.

What would be more normal than cutting them up again!
A 30" square of these little pieces was carefully laid out in a pleasing design.
A bit problematic when sneezes or breezes endangered the whole thing.

Trouble is the design ended up being not so very pleasing at all, at all.

So all those little pieces are back in piles.
That was two days' work.
Oh, well!
Think I'll go tidy up the mess that attempt created...
and try another approach.
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  1. I can't remember who said it, but I always remember this quote at such times: "There are no mistakes, only research."

  2. That is so, indeed... - what would life - and art - be without detours... - besides: it´s much more fun to read about them than about straightforward successes...;)

  3. gorgeousxlynda

  4. funny how that happens sometimes, i find it is often because the spirit is distracted by something else. still it happened and at least it didn't damage the planet.

  5. So frustrating -- but a step back will bring a moving forward. When this happens to me I try to remind myself that each thing seems to have its own time.

  6. Don't try so hard!!! Take a break, read a book, pull out the camera, blog hop, try a technique that you spotted, hug the rusty pups, relax......

  7. Hi Penny. Those pieces are beautiful. Perhaps less is more... maybe just pick one or maybe 2 or 3 and work from there. -Sue

  8. Well I'd have to say that all this did indeed lead you somewhere - just maybe not exactly where you hoped to go.

  9. It's not like you to sound so blue re: stitching.

    Everything will be better tomorrow.



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