
Monday 28 March 2011

Trying Another Tack

An old embroidered pillowcase revealed itself in the detritus of my last false start.
Then squares of woven strips surfaced...homework from my first workshop with Jude some time ago now.
The pillowcase is threadbare.
When laid over the weaving you get a hint of pentimento..... yet another theme imposed on me.
So perhaps I will work on bringing the two together.

The old pillowcase is very fragile and will appreciate the support of the woven strips.
I see lots of darning and boro type repairing.

We shall see what transpires.
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  1. this is a perfect application, i just love this.

  2. Oh, my, this is too beautiful. I had to look up 'pentimento'; I needed this word, and didn't know it was out there. An inspiring post- thank you.

  3. Ghost weaving - I like that, Kaite.
    Let's hope I can keep on track with this piece. I'm thinking blue and white will be predominant colours.

  4. soft, quiet reveries emanate from this seed! whisps of mindsmoke. tender. gentle. sleepy.

    it will be a delight to watch the dreams coalesce....

  5. I'm very much looking forward to seeing your stitching as you bring this delicate cloth back together again.

  6. How exciting. This makes me dream of the possibilities.


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