
Thursday 24 February 2011

Snowy Woodland Trails

Snowy cap...
Snow clogged bridge....

Woodland Moguls...

Rusty pups leading the way...

Lying in wait...hoping to ambush her sister.

What a glorious sunshiney day for a walk....
trouble is it was way colder than it looks!

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  1. Would still have loved to have gone on that walk. Clean fresh air and all that beautiful snow.

  2. Yes, Diane the snow out here stays fresh and white...not like in messy cities! But I see you live by bluebell woods and they are popping their heads up already....simply gorgeous.

  3. love seeing the reflection of the trees on the snow.

  4. We have snow this morning too! Just a light dusting. It will be cold and clear for the next couple days...I know what you mean about colder than it looks!

  5. so much snow penny.

    sadly we do not have snow here. but I just love to see photos of snow.


  6. I do (begrudgingly) admit that snow can be pretty and these pictures are proof of that. Don't have to like the snow, but I DO like the pictures!

  7. Deanna - that's a special treat on a sunny day.
    Deb - and you are talking of planting peas this week!
    T - a bit like a refreshing snow-cone on a hot summer's day.
    MA - I don't mind it so much now that I don't have to drive down the 404 to work anymore!


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