
Tuesday 22 February 2011

Pebbly Circles

It was so very cold on the beach...
too cold to fiddle with cameras.
So I brought home the pebbles that caught my eye.

Some pebbles grow into circles....

some wrap themselves in circles..

and others decorate themselves with circle designs.
Perhaps they are all shouting "pick me"!
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  1. yes! I believe that is their way of seeing the world..who said stones are immobile?

  2. I can't resist picking up unique stones either. They are stuck all over my house. As my daughter, then her boys, grew up they would bring me treasures to add to my collection..and they still do!

  3. Manya - love that we can be their ride to see the world!
    Carol - pebbles, stones, rocks ... as long as we can carry them eh!

  4. Interesting pinkish color - not what I find here... here, different circle stones. I wonder if they mind that I draw spirals on them?

  5. I love the eye that you have Penny. I can't WAIT to seee the WHOLE rusty gate cloth!!!!!

  6. you have such interesting pebbles there, i remember ones like that from Tasmania too, it must be the cooler climate areas, or the higher latitudes. k.

  7. These make me think of magical Easter eggs - heralding spring a bit early. They are lovely.


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