
Monday 28 February 2011

Stitching Between the Rust

Been stitching for miles and miles!

Sometimes in straight lines and sometimes on the curve.
Found it easier to use the hoop when doing the straight rows;
but was surprised that I didn't need the hoop on the curves.

Sometimes I stitched in circles.

Sometimes I just sat and examined the rusty imprints.
I find these imperfect triangles to be an important part of the design.
It is on the design wall now and it seems pretty obvious
that the weak part of this piece is the bottom of the gate.

So I decided more rusting from the top of the gate is required.
Then I can add some more interest to the bottom of of my piece.
We went outside to find the gate to get on with the job...
but discovered it frozen solid to the ground under a pile of snow!
So I'll have to put this project aside and wait for warmer weather.
Not to worry...there's always at least 20 more pieces waiting in the wings.


  1. you'll be stitching in your sleep, it's quite amazing.

  2. Now it's reminding me of an old crackle paged book of illumination---oh god oh god!

  3. And Kaite you'll be making crumb or strip blocks in your sleep!
    Thanks Deanna!
    Arlee, yes I see what you mean...a yellowed and stained book.

  4. May Mother Nature decided you needed a rest from all that stitching! It is looking so beautiful. I love the simplicity of it - rusty patterns and simple stitching. Its beautiful.

  5. Really amazing, all those regular stitches. I am surprised to discover that also rust can be decorative.

  6. I am in awe! It's simply beautiful!!

  7. Cool, love the rust with stitches....!

  8. I think rust and stitching are meant to go together and this piece is proof positive of that. I came across some of my rusted fabrics today and fondled them before I put them away for a later date when I have time to play.

  9. Penny, this is wonderful.

    To me, it speaks of old cathedrals. Stained glass, old grave stones, little niches where people put candles.
    It's a very spiritual piece.

    The stitching adds so much.


Thank you for taking the time to comment, your thoughts are most welcome.