
Monday 21 February 2011

Track Crossings

A busy crossroads on the dyke....human, pheasant, dear and rodent of some kind.

A deer crossed paths with a smaller critter.  
There were tracks everywhere, some old and some new. 

The rusty pups stepped over a pheasant's trail.

The pups followed deer tracks and we followed the pups.
Walking along the cold and windy dyke I imagined us a clan of the deer people
following the deer wherever they may roam.
What amuses me is that what I have photographed here is obviously one deer print going to the right and another to the left!
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  1. Probably a husband and wife trying to find their way and HE won't ask for directions!! *smile*

  2. smile....Penny I looked at your album and am in love!

  3. Penny...I'm still laughing!
    And, thank you, Yvette...hope all is well over at your place.


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