Monday, 6 June 2016

Looking Backwards for an Ancient Crumb Then Forward for SOFAAR

It was a week of going back in time as far as the Crumbs are concerned.

Back to the shadowy days of the Viking
and runic writings.
I was just going to copy the Futhark alphabet
but every stone carved seems to be in memory of a fighting warrior.
I objected to that!
and so the first three lines read
"I am woman hear me roar".

I also decided to test a marino wool
which turned out to be nice to stitch with but not
suitable for my small crumbs.
Just a bit too heavy looking
but it will be fine on a large piece of coarse linen that I plan to use it on.

The week wasn't all looking backwards
Some of us spent Friday evening and Saturday morning
at the launch of a new organization
the Society of Fibre Artists of the Annapolis Valley.
We managed to put on an
excellent show of members' work in a variety of disciplines.
Looking forward to what the future will bring for SOFAAR.


  1. Love looking at your runes once again.

  2. Love looking at your runes once again.

  3. The runes look very good in embroidery, don't they!

  4. Hard to believe you have so many crumbs already. And how I wish there was a similar fiber art society in this neck of the woods!


Thank you for taking the time to comment, your thoughts are most welcome.