Wednesday, 13 August 2014

On a Misty Moisty Morning

A purple haze covers the marshlands
on one side of the dyke.

And a brown haze of grasses heavy with seeds
on the Basin side.


  1. And yet in certain lights, the brown might look purple, and the purple, brown - light is amazing, isn't it!

  2. Lovely gray colours on a misty morning, Penny ....

  3. Hi Penny, I just signed up to follow your blog. I'm Sandra from the Netherlands. I love your scratchings very much and your stories about your natural environment. I was in Canada many years ago and your pictures remind me of my holiday there.

  4. Thank you so much for dropping by, Sandra. So glad you enjoy the scratchings. Wonder whereabouts you were in Canada.

    1. Hi Penny,

      I visited British Columbia. I stayed with my brother-in-law in Vancouver and from there travelled for 5 weeks in BC; Rocky mountains, Vancouver Island, Saltspring Island.


Thank you for taking the time to comment, your thoughts are most welcome.