
Saturday 13 August 2011

Creating Together

Chris came from the South Shore to stay for a couple of days.
She worked on a couple of canvases.

She's leaving the province and moving back to Ontario.
I will miss her dearly.
There was a time we painted together every week
and we even wrote proposals on writing a book on creativity..
which was soundly rejected by the way!

I scraped...

and doodled..

and tried some stitching...
Might explore that some more over the winter.


  1. what fun. yes, it's hard to lose good friends when they move away. the last photo with the stitching looks like a form of hieroglyphics. i love it.

  2. LOVE your scraping and doodling! So, did you just put some fabric paint/dye on a piece and then use a hard edge to scrape it across the fabric?? Love the stitching you did for the oval. It gives me some ideas... I haven't posted very often, but just wanted you to know I read your blog via RSS feed every time you post!

    ;-) Debi

  3. Love this - the colors are wonderful. Its so hard to say goodbye to a dear friend.

  4. I love it all...especially the doodle...and the part about you and your friend having a couple days of play together. :)

  5. I love that stitching!!!! Really caught my attention.
    It's wonderful getting together to paint and create with art friends isnt it? So sad your friend is moving away though.

    Jacky xox

  6. You might be able to work further on the book proposal. Sometimes when you are busy creating things you don't get the distance you need to think about it or explain it. By keeping in contact by email or telephone, your discussions will develop your ideas.

  7. Deanna...yes, very much like hieroglyphs.

    Debi..You are so busy studying I know.

    Penny and Annie...We will just have to travel further to spend some creative time together.

    Jacky..A stitcher can't resist needle and thread even on paper.

    Nancy...yup hieroglyphs.

    Rachel...You're so right.

  8. playing with friends, what's better than that? very cool stitching. and i wish i could have read that book!


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