
Thursday 11 August 2011

Breakfast with a Cardinal

just landed on the breakfast table.

What's on the menu?

Anyone else around?

Think I'll make myself look bigger just to scare off those blue jays.

You watching me?


  1. I love those darned Cardinals so much!! We look out for them too. They nest in our trees and shrubs and we listen for the song or cry of alarm OR they yelling at us early in the AM because the seed needs to be filled. Just love em.

  2. Oh how I wish they would visit my area. I used to see them at my in-laws in North Carolina. A beautiful breakfast mate, indeed!

  3. O, wow! Did he leave any feathers for you behind ??? Just a moment ago I saw those gorgeous blue jay feathers AND the stitched ones: my goodness they are magnificent ...Jude will love them (wish I could find those blue feathers over here :-( , our brownish jay hardly sheds any of his tiny blue ones ....)
    btw you have a great assistant ;-)

  4. You make me smile! Just love this!
    We have lots to see, as well. The male sits on my window sill when the seed needs to be refilled.
    These are such wonderful photographs. I am enjoying this post so much.

  5. These pictures are precious! It sure makes me miss Cardinals!!! Where I live here - in Colombia - we have beautiful birds, but nothing in that brilliant red!

  6. I love your comments too! That last photo is a kick!

  7. oh, the boys & i loved this!! wish i could see one in real life-thanks.

  8. Carol...Ah so that's what all the morning yelling is about!!

    Jeannie...I forgot all about my own breakfast!

    Els...and the cardinal is the same, I have only once found cardinal feathers.

    Annie...yes, you have exotic birds and critters down there.


    Glad the boys enjoyed him too, Cindy!

  9. yes..your captions are really
    funny! exactly what i'm sure he's
    thinking. i miss them here too.

    thanks for this..


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