
Sunday 28 August 2011

A Busy Week

It's been a busy week of visitors and surprises.
Elizabeth and Stan arrived from Ontario.
How many of you have had the bagpipes played outside your studio?!
The sound of pipers always touches my very soul.

I knew they had connections to this part of the country,
but as it turns out
Stan's great, great grandfather is buried
in the old cemetery that overlooks the dyke of our daily walks! 

Not a stitch has been stitched
but wonderful memories of time with family and friends
have been etched into our hearts and memories.


  1. missed a couple of blogs, but your surrounding is so so beautiful...and the great grand dad has a nice spot for eternity

    hug for the (almost not anymore)puppies

  2. in my very first school the bagpipes were played regularly, they are primal to me.
    good to have time out for family and friends. stay safe.

  3. It's a small world after all. - My neighbor used to have his brother come visit and when he played the pipes on the lanai next door it was glorious!

  4. Sounds like a great weekend!

  5. I love those pipes too...mine are a much smaller, medieval set....maybe I'll go bigger sometime in the future :-)

  6. Penny, it sounds like it's been a lovely summer...and with a bagpipe blessing of your studio! It is the haunting-est sound...I spent a summer working in Cape Breton and my mind's eyes and ears feel in harmony with it all...

  7. Making memories is what matters most!

    ;-) Debi

  8. Sounds wonderful -- good friends and musical pipes.

  9. Spending time with family and making memories is just another kind of stitching, I think.

  10. My Sisters husband plays the bag pipes. He plays Amazing Grace.
    It is so beautiful.
    Nice to see the photographs of your family and places.

  11. Yvette: Rusty pups always appreciate a hug!

    Nancy: Always.

    Kaite: "Primal" that's exactly how I would describe the sound of bagpipes.

    Annie: bagpipes played in a lanai or from the ramparts of Edinburgh castle sound equally magnificent.

    Rachel: Absolutely.

    Chris: And you can play them? Wonderful!

    Suzanna: A whole summer in Cape Breton - what a treat!

    Debi: Yup.

    Penny: Special.

    Karen: Just love the way you think.

    Filamental: Amazing Grace played on the bagpipes has me in tears every time.


Thank you for taking the time to comment, your thoughts are most welcome.