
Tuesday 30 August 2011

Always Allow Time for Percolating

Finally back in the studio....Feels good.
For me working in the studio is like life itself 
or at least the ebb and flow of the oceans that surround me.

I work in great bursts of energy followed by
periods of slow percolation and reflection
and then the energy returns.

The rusty gate has been percolating for a while!

The design was not working for me.
Some weight was surely needed along the bottom of the piece.
All it needed was a thin strip of rust....wrong!

Luckily I pinned a wide strip in place expecting to cut it back later.
viewing it from a distance,
it occurred to me the width of that strip was perfect.
Now the piece looked balanced.
And the few random echoes of the more precise shapes above play an important role
I think.

Parts of the clover leaf spirals were lost in the new seam.
The eye will want to follow that curve.
Some kind of stitching will do the trick.

There are echoes of triangles that need to be developed.
I see many hours of stitching in the near future!


  1. I really like your rusty gate. The more familiar I become with your work, the more amazed I am. I love your many stitches!

  2. I do enjoy following the process.

  3. Thinking time is sometimes even more important than stitching time, isn't it!

  4. Ha, lovely piece Penny!
    (how did you stop the rust process?)

  5. who ever thought we would love rust. it looks great. can't wait to see your fabulous stitching.

  6. This is such a beautiful piece! I too can't wait to see all the stitching you do.

  7. I love the motion of how you're stitching it!

  8. Oh how amazed I am at you stitchers... I am SUCH a painter, not a stitcher at all! The gate is amazing - the extra strip definitely works.... happy stitching!

  9. Nancy...Sooooo many stitches! Love your obviously delicious sunflowers and the mushroom going ker-plunk!

    Karen...I agree, and your process is so interesting.

    Rachel...Oh, yes, time for percolation enhyances stitching time.

    Els...A couple of cycles through the washing machine...but it probably never really stops!

    Deanna...I want to try it in combination with indigo dyeing some time soon.

    Julie...Many hours of stitching to go!

    Velma...I'm still undecided as to whether it should be a horizontal piece or a vertical one.

    Yvonne...Needle in, needle out for many more hours!

    Valerianna...And what a painter you are!

  10. If I were you. . .I would never ever touch a machine!
    I enjoy your work probably the most of any other fiber artist, these days.
    I love your concepts and the execution and quality of your work. You are leaving your touch for us to see. I really love this piece!

  11. great idea with the stitching, the eye does move & the stitches seem to also, w/light reflecting off of the different shades that you've used. this looks to be a fabulous piece.

  12. It is just beautiful, I love to see how you 'add' to a piece and the incredible results that you obtain.

  13. So pleased to see you're working on the rusty gate again. I love this piece...the soft colours and the precise quality of your stitches.


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