
Thursday 14 April 2011

Vegetables on the Linen Patch

I'm beginning to think of planting seeds
and dream of picking fresh vegetables on warm summer days.
So... I'm serving up a few thread vegetables.
They were stitched over 40 years ago
when I sought perfection and neatness in every stitch.
Not my own design but a pattern given out by a magazine in the early 70's.
There are at least a dozen sets of framed vegetables.
Many, many hours of stitching!

Thought this particular set was radishes but perhaps they are beets...
I don't remember... it was so long ago!


  1. they look like beets (beetroots down here) to me, and utterly edible. mind they don't bleed.

    I'll tell you something funny - down here a typical Aussie hamburger always had beetroot in it, even tho we knew it would always bleed on our clothes, it just wasn't authentic without the beetroot - tinned of course!

  2. So interesting to revisit stitches from the past. I too once wanted perfect, even stitches. Now I go out of my way to make them uneven.
    Thanks so much for all your recent encouragement and support, Penny.

  3. oh wow. i did the same stitchery in the 70s. there were also asparagus and cauliflower, i think. mine aren't as neat as yours. they are all scrunchy. i'll try to find them. they are here someplace.

  4. These are beautiful and so perfect for this soon to be planting time of the year.

  5. They are beautiful, if they were mine I would frame them and put on a wall in the kitchen.

  6. Kaite, Well I never, that's a strange way to get beets into your diet!

    Karen, Perhaps we have to learn to make it perfect before we can make it expressive.

    Deanna, well I never! I have a friend in Nova Scotia who also did it and actually made it into the bedspread it was supposed to be.

    Penny, it can't come soon enough for me!

    Aracne, they are indeed all framed and have adorned my dining room walls for years!

  7. What perfectly prettyfull stitching, love this!

  8. Hmm...I have some roasted beets I could have for dinner. Making me hungry.


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