
Monday 11 April 2011

A Bowlful of Beads

Tried my hand at coiling some years ago.
Couldn't master the art of  a neat and tidy wrap..
so wrapped in every direction and used every colour under the sun.

The bowl that resulted from this feeble attempt
spends it's days lazing around my studio
hosting a gathering of beads.

Some of which are plane..

and others are bejewelled.


  1. Since when was artistic, neat & tidy? Your little basket is simply charming, warts and all (although I can't actually see any)!!! The bright colours are wonderful and the tightly wrapped beads, bits of delight! I'll need to give this a try one day....but not just yet!! LOL!

  2. What a wonderful creation to have on a coffee table or end table. I would play awhile in it every day!

    :~) Debi

  3. I think that your basket is fabulous, I would like to make one myself just for me and the joy of looking at it.

  4. Love both the basket and the beads. Those beads just cry out for touching and rearranging and 'messing' with!

  5. whaaw, another comment of mine has disappeared! i said that i loved fabric beads and your little basket is a delight, or words like that.

  6. beautiful! there is a quiet grace in that coiled spite of your denigrations of it! a joyous peace!

    and that riot of sumptuous beads! how delightful! i can almost hear them singing...

  7. a basket full of fun. i love the basket and the beads within.

  8. that one, and that one
    and this one over here, and . . .
    the one under there . . .
    they are lovely right where they are
    but do you have another plan for those

  9. Me thinks we are all bedazzled beadaholics!
    Cristina, no plans at the any ideas?

  10. They are so beautiful, how do you make these? is it just coiled fabric then manipulated into a rounder shape with stitch and beads? Oh the possibilities... I want a bow like that in my house! It looks so cheerful...

  11. how can you call this a pathetic effort!!!! it's delightfull - and i'm inspired by you beads, what a brilliant use of fabric scraps

  12. Hi Penny ~ oh yes, count me in with your "bedazzled beadaholic" group...tis moi, no doubt about it. I should like to try this one day - this kind of bead making - for we all sure have a LOT of scraps hanging about, don't we?! This beadiness is delightful.

  13. I recently tried the coiling technique too. It's not as easy as it looks! Your bowl is lovely though and just perfect for all of those yummy beads!


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