
Friday 11 March 2011

Watery Backwoods and Stitched Backs

A thin strip of water in the woods still manages to reflect the sky above...

but a tumbling river rushes by too fast to capture sky reflections.

Made me think of the back side of the rusty gate piece.
Perhaps a frozen river passing through my stitches.

Could be ski tracks in the snow.

Perhaps some whirlpool activity in a wintery river.
Stitched backs are fascinating.

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  1. yes, they are as fascinating as flower backs. how funny, we're both thinking of the re/verses.

  2. Yes, and you can always tell the work of an accomplished stitcher by the back. Yours looks great!

  3. I love the 'back' of stitchery also. Especially punchneedle where the design is so crisp (except for those little fuzzies where I've clipped the thread).

  4. See we're all drawn to backsides!

  5. "... a tumbling river rushes by too fast to capture sky reflections" - I love that. I think there is art in that :)

  6. I've often wondered why someone hasn't done a series of art pieces that are actually meant to have their backsides facing frontside. I know a lady who does the most exquisite cross stitch and her backsides are every bit as neat as the fronts - I'm always disappointed when I turn her pieces over because I LIKE the disorderliness of threads hanging and woven through!

  7. Backsides, just another perspective of the same story?


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