
Thursday 10 March 2011

Colour Starved!

Wild, bold colour has been absent from our wintery world for many months.
We've been surrounded by soft whites, greys, browns and blues....
All beautiful colours indeed

enough is enough....
Colour starvation is setting in!

No surprise that I got sidetracked by glorious dyes as I searched my stash for blacks.

My favourite.
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  1. What a beautiful way to brighten up a grey, gloomy, rainy day (which is what we're having today - and yesterday and the day before). Thanks!

  2. weather has been springlike here and the trees are leafing out in all the beautiful shades of green. enjoyed seeing that beautifully dyed fabric.

  3. Yes, Penny, it's cold and gloomy here and it looks like yet another storm is going to come rolling in.

    Oh Deanna, I love that haze of yellow green over the woodlands as the leaves start to pop open.

  4. I couldn't agree more! We have declared a moratorium on winter scenes on our blog. Keep the colour coming!

  5. love this work..really cheered me upxx thanks for your comments to my emailx lynda

  6. little gems waiting to Spring out and surprise you. k.

  7. Rain, rain, go away!!!! That's what it's doing in Toronto right now and for the next couple of days! A little colour is a welcome sight!

  8. yes, rain, rain go away - it's good to see the beautiful colors of your fabric!


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