
Tuesday 8 February 2011

A Sunny Linear Day

Row upon row of simple stitching grows on my rusty gate cloth.

Row upon row of white puffy clouds floats above a blue Fundy horizon.

As the tide comes in the rusty pups follow the scent of what or who was here before us.

With cold noses and tingling fingertips we also search for beachy finds.
For me today it is striped pebbles that catch my eye.
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  1. Penny, this cloth is lovely. The stitches and the spaces between create a interesting surface.

  2. Oh so many stitches. May I ask how long this cloth is? I love the 'lines' you've created with needle and thread.

  3. It's so amazing how one stitch can be so powerful--repetition is movement *and* stillness

  4. Ah, lovely lines.
    How do you keep them so straight?

  5. snow at the sea - that's something i don't see, probably never before.

  6. Our waters share the same rocks!
    ...and those zillion stitches? sooo delicate next to the rusty remains.

  7. So now you're a linear person?? The straight stitch is one of my favourites and I must confess, that I would never have thought to use them in such a controlled, but yet effective manner. Perhaps it would be a good exercise for my slightly unconventional style. LOL! BTW, of these days I must explore your coast. I love the ocean, the views, the sunrises, the sunsets, winter or summer, doesn't matter, I love it all!!!

  8. About keeping the lines straight...Actually I'm trying not to be too straight! But every fifth or sixth line I lay down a piece of tape just to make sure I'm not stitching the whole thing on the diagonal by then.


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