
Monday 3 January 2011

Surrounded by Trees

Before Christmas Jude wrote and videoed about her stitched Christmas pieces.  
I thought I might be able to make some in time for gifts as well....silly me!
It's January and I've barely got started.

When trees are involved, I can never resist.  
You might notice a hint of a few dangling roots.....

Simply had to cut into a brand new scarf to include some spirals....

Some trees are sparkling Christmas trees, others are boldly striped.....
but as is my wont, the brown ones are my favourite. 
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  1. that's a whole forest of trees, love the dangly bits...k.

  2. I was a late starter too, but loving the trees, epsecially your forest (I love your brown ones too).
    The dangly bits look great. I like that suggestion of roots.

    Jacky xox

  3. hey i am still working on mine too! this is a great community of trees...i love the fringed sky/cloud.

  4. There will have to be rocks somewhere too, oh and perhaps some water.

  5. Penny, you're the best! My favourite is the striped one!! Of course, the aqua and brown colour scheme is yummy as well. Yes, do add a bit of water and rocks, but keep the trees standing tall and proud. As if you wouldn't!!!! Giggle!

  6. I love your trees and my favourite colour is blue. Rocks too? I will love to see this develop.

  7. love your cluster of trees. i'm still working on my huggable tree. managed to finish one of the cloths and gave it as a gift.

  8. i want to wander lost in that forest for a spell. i wouldn't go too far. just deep enough to enjoy the solitude and the loving embrace of so many lovely trees...

    back to stitching on my own trees, though...


  9. Love the roots!! You are certainly a 'tree expert'! These are beautiful.

  10. O Penny you truly honour Jude by creating this tree cloth piece.
    LOVE the fabrics in the last photo!

  11. Penny I have been visitin via Katie's side bar for awhile.

    Your trees invoke childhood memories of winter conifers. Colors of the hour before dark.

  12. Never mind, you're not late making gifts for're getting an early start on the next one!

  13. ...still stitching on mine too, Penny. Yours is coming along ***fabulously*** and I look forward to seeing it in full forestation :>]]

  14. lovely blend of colour and texture penny.



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