
Tuesday 4 January 2011

Stitching the Outside Inside

A tree ghost or a ghost of a tree has appeared and..
 (with apologies to David Gutterson)..
 there is "|Snow Falling on Cedars".
Actually in my case it is falling on Spruce.

In winter, as the wind blows
and the snow settles outside,...

my favourite place to be is in front of the fire
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  1. Beautiful stitching, beautiful fire... so warm and cozy.

  2. Ooooh ....and the stitched shadow of a tree !!!!! Gorgious !

  3. hey i like ghost trees, and i want a fire front that looks as good as yours, i'd sit there stitching too.
    bye bye, k.

  4. jim woodring wrote, "a tree is an incomprehensible mystery." yours holds true to this thread. the ghost tree (or perhaps a projection of the tree's dreams?) adds depth and dimension to this incomprehensible mystery. it sends me back to the front of my own fire to stitch some more. thank you!

  5. How I wish I could come and stitch in front of that fire with you! I've wanted a fireplace for years and think I finally might get an electric one once we move. Not as nice as a 'real' fire, but mesmerizing nevertheless.

  6. Oh WOW! That fire looks so wonderful! I love your shadow of a tree. I never thought of doing something like that... it looks lovely!

    ;~) Debi

  7. We have ghost gums here in often saw them in aboriginal paintings...will find a photo for you. They are hauntingly beautiful as is your little tree.
    What a warm and beautiful fire. We have a wood fire too. Such a beautiful, clean, old fashioned heat.

    Stay warm.

    Jacky xox

  8. I'd like to be in front of that fire too.

  9. If I'm lucky, I'll be doing the same thing this weekend. Snow in the forecast...

  10. Good fire, good wine, good company, good stitch.....purrrrrfect~~~


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