
Saturday, 14 August 2010

We have our pond back....we think

We believe he comes to visit when the water gets low up the mountain, because torrents of rain came down for a couple of days and we haven't seen him since. But on the other hand perhaps he comes to get away from the "kits"! Anyway, we don't mind sharing our apples and our trees if our pond is only a vacation spot.
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  1. what a sweet face, he couldn't do any harm...k.

  2. How cool that you got this pic at just the perfect moment. Yes, I can see that we DO have some things in common.

  3. Great shot! I'm presuming you have a good telephoto lens for your camera. Otherwise, I expect that he would have been a little more skittish. Kaite, I think you would change your tune pretty fast if he started chewing on the trees in your garden. LOL!

  4. Isn't it funny to consider an animal needing to get away from the kids - just as we humans sometimes do! Great photo.

  5. I think I told everyone about this picture. great shot. and I love what your doing with rusted fabric. thanks for posting to my blog. an update on those circles coming shortly. I'm off to wrap some trees...


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