
Monday, 17 May 2021

Warming Breath


Always thrilled when the red tulips bloom along the stream
Always thrilled when the first warm days arrive.

The only red I have in the garden
Must get more.

And of course
because I showed an interest
the Rusty Pups had to investigate.

Meanwhile back to Blue

I hope you have a sky blue day.


  1. GLORY abounds. The beauty of your landscape, the rusty pups and the artwork, and you my friiend...made my day, Penny! xo

  2. "Blue" is gorgeous : would LOOOOVE to feel it :-)
    (Ha, don't have much red (or orange) in the garden too, only dark red)

  3. Don't the Rusty Pups add a touch of red...pretty much anywhere? ;-) Lovely tulips! I've lost a couple to deer...but others are coming!

  4. Always good to have that first burst of colour and know summer is on the way. We seem to have stepped back here with lots of rain and wind. And while we dont appreciate the mud and chilly evenings the garden thinks it amazing! Beautiful blue. xx

  5. Like Margaret, I immediately thought -"but the RPs add a permanent touch of red!"..

  6. Always so enjoyable to see what's coming up in your garden and the pups explorations. What a beautiful part of the world you live in Penny. And of course you know I love seeing what you are working on. "Blue" is subtly stunning!

  7. The beautiful bold red on green! The stones of blue/brown look inviting to touch :)

  8. this piece is just stunning, Penny! I hope you and yours wre all well? Sounds like things in NS are picking up again. Be careful. Be safe

  9. oooooh - you KNOW I love that wonderful piece of blue!!! And those Rusty Pups are always good for an 'awwwwwww' from me.


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