
Sunday, 31 March 2013

Happy Easter

So far this Spring has been a great Winter!

Tennis balls freeze outside 
while Rusty Pups come inside to warm up the fire.
But then
the sun comes out again
and there is a spring in everyone's step again.

Springtime blessings on you all.


  1. happy easter to you and your loveones too Penny!
    as for the wheather..the same here

  2. Happy Easter Penny.
    Spring really is going to happen. We are sunny with snow in the forecast for tomorrow. Perhaps yours is moving here, but we'll send it on its way to find that Stinking Rodent Phil.
    xx, Carol

  3. Ooooh THANK YOU Penny : I had a góód laugh reading your first sentence !!!!!
    It isn't a lot better than that over here in Holland !
    Happy Easter to you !

  4. Your first sentence had this year bang to rights!


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