
Tuesday 20 November 2012

A Crispy Crunchy Morning

Early winter mornings
bring crisp and crunchy frosts

and blanched landscapes.
Even my two favourite rusty posts have lost colour.

The rusty pups and I are surrounded by gentle muted colours
except the top of the mountain 
is coloured by the rising sun.

I even love this monochrome scene
It is the layers 
each one a different texture

and grasses bent over with the weight of frosty crystals.

As we walk the rising sun looks warmer than it is.
I thought my finger tips would never stop tingling!


  1. You do have some lovely monochrome scenes!

  2. Oh I love this!!! I have been thinking white-off white-tan-grey colors and shades lately. Haven't done anything with it -- but your pictures are making me eager to explore this 'color' scheme. Love the textures also. Thank you.

  3. I love a crisp frosrty morning - thanks for sharing your beautiful walk. I will hold those images in my mind as I go out with my flashlight for our morning walk! -sus

  4. These colours are so beautiful. The layers in the 4th photo have me dreaming. They are like the natural plant dyes we have been using - I can see a wide or square stitched panel in that photo.

  5. The 4th photo is so much what the hillsides in SoCal look like. Very monochrome. Some days I like it, other days not so much!
    As the week of Thanksgiving in America rolls through, I reflect on the many things I am grateful for in my life. You & your place here is one I count among my blessings. Thank you for that.

  6. REALLY beautiful, Penny! Hasn't quite gotten that cold here yet but I love it when it does.

  7. been like this here, too. i love it!

  8. My suspicions are confirmed. You actually live just inside the gates of Heaven. I am homesick for winter.


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