
Friday 16 September 2011

Tools of the Trade

Made this needle case for my mother many years ago.
When it belonged to her it remained untouched by human hands!
For the last four years it has been my constant companion.... use every day.
Bursting with needles and pins....

...and my grandmother's thimble that I can't do without.


  1. Beautiful needlecase...

    ...and, although I love thimbles...

    ...try as I might, I cannot use one :-(

  2. Good for you!
    Did she cherish it and didn't want to use it? To Save it?

    Or didn't she sew?

    I have so many things that I used to keep stashed away to save. But I'll be 60 next month and I am using whatever I want to now ~lol~

  3. oh it is luscious. love those ribbon roses. I never could get used to using a thimble.

  4. what a beautiful needlecase,and a good feeling of connection from you, to her, back to you.

  5. Wow-Wee that needle case is something else! Beautiful, rich and full. I too love thimbles, but can't use one to save my life! Still have mine from 7th grade sewing! Ha!

  6. I have my grandmothers thimble too - but I don't (can't) use it. Will never part with it though. Lovely needlecase!

  7. All those sweet flowers! My grandmother has a habit of not using things I make for her, but rather keeping them "nice."

  8. This an exquisite little piece Penny! I canunderstand your Mum's keeping it safe all that time.

  9. So lovely that you still have it and have put it into *production* ;>} Very special, Penny. I too, just can't get the hang of using a thimble - I adore them, but they certainly don't adore me!

  10. Oh, it is beautiful, I love the silk ribbon embroidery, but never tried.

  11. in touch with mothers who also stitched, letting them stitch thru you. now that is my kind of Magic.

  12. Very special...I love that you are using them. It makes everyday special then.

    Jacky xox

  13. Its lovely -- and I know it keeps your Mother close to you each and every day.

  14. Penny, This is a very lovely post and I enjoy that you share your mother's treasure with us and that you use it.
    I believe these days that if I don't use it. . . My mom is fading away and I feel very sad about that.
    We can celebrate them like you do.
    Have a nice Sunday!

  15. What a beautiful needle case. I love ribbon embroidery and your's is exquisite. I have my Gram's and Great Gram's thimbles. I use them both and GG's has a tiny hole in the top from decades of needles wearing on it. Sometimes the eye of the needle will pop into and touch my finger. I think of it as a kiss from my Grams, knowing that they are watching each stitch. Thanks for the stroll down memory lane.

  16. "untouched by human hands" - made me laugh out loud.

    I am so glad that you are using it now yourself. It is gorgeous.


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