
Friday 2 September 2011

In the Company of Shore Birds

A day at the beach on soft, soft sand
with shoreline birds dancing and feeding in front of the waves.

When they weren't running along water's edge
these semipalmated sandpipers
preened and preened balancing on one or two nobly legs.

Dancing alongside the sandpipers were precious and endangered piping plovers.
Happily we saw parents herding quite a few young ones
back and forth along the beach.

After diving for their dinner, cormorants perch on rocks....

to dry off and have a gossip.

But back to those beautiful sandpipers
Just look at them eyeing us.

Looking out to sea
and thinking.....what a beautiful day.


  1. I have been known to spend hours on the beach (Seaside or Manzanita) trying to photograph the plovers and sandpipers. Quick little birds! It looks like you are having beautiful weather for walks on the beach.

  2. I have seen these little birds on the shore in California and I marvelled: how quick they run to avoid the waves!

  3. Jeannie...Manzanita is a new word for me. Looks like it is an Oregon seaside town with a beautiful stretch of beach and a very active arts community.

    Blandine...Yes, speedy little things!

  4. I grew up in a Lake Michigan town and miss the water so much. The sun glistening off the water is a sight I keep close to my heart and in that place I go when I close my eyes to relieve the stress of the day.

    You live in a magical place. Woods and Water...

  5. Delightful - sounds like a wonderful day!

  6. I got a feeling of an old, knobby-kneed man with the last bird.... beautiful coloration.

  7. What a wonderful post! I almost feel like I was there with you! I love shore birds!

    ;-) Debi

  8. hmmm, have you considered - wonderful baskets with that kelp. rinse it, let it semi dry and stitch it. Mum has used it and 10 years on it still looks good.

  9. almost thirty years ago, i sat on the beach on my honeymoon, watching the sandpipers scurry and dance with the waves. i remember how wonderful they & life seemed. thank you for bringing back this memory.

  10. Beautiful day, beautiful bird photos. The sunlight on the waves is wonderful and the sand is so white it gives a fantastic background. Love these. :o)

  11. So lovely to see your beach on the other side of Canada from where I am. Different birds - your images are beautiful.


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