
Monday 26 September 2011

Home Again

Back from lovely Pictou Lodge
where sixty of us gathered
thanks to Barb's vision and organizational skills.

We all quilted and partied,
forged friendships
 and ate way too much!
And boy did we laugh.

Thank you Celeste and Joan,
Isabel and Rosemary
for so generously including me.

Pictou is a place where eagles soar
seagulls swirl
cormorants fan their wings
and spider webs catch morning dew.

I took a class with the lovely Jane Sasseman....

Jane is a student of the decorative arts and art nouveau movement.
She is a gentle soul and a generous teacher.
It is always fascinating to learn how others approach their work.
Lovely pieces were being born under Jane's guidance.


  1. So an inspiring time was had by all!

  2. FUN quilts. Can't wait to see more. Good food and good fellowship in a lovely setting. What could be better.

  3. that 3rd image looks quite interesting. would love to see more.

  4. What a great inspiration to have!
    So glad you are back to share your experience.

  5. One can always learn something new. Jane Sasseman would be someone I too would like to study with.

    I wonder what you learned, and hope that you will soon share.

  6. Laughter always makes the learning fun! Some of my most favorite of hours is spent with fellow stitchers (in whatever form they take) - sharing ideas and loving what each and everyone of them does.

  7. Oh my!!! Beautiful scenery and a workshop with Jane Sassman! Heaven on earth. I absolutely love her work. It is like you are living in an oversized garden.

  8. You're teasing us with those narrow detail shots, they look so intriguing.

  9. Who wouldn't like that line up of inviting chairs? Sounds like a great time!

  10. Woops, sorry girls, I don't really have more photos! Photographing and posting other people's work makes me nervous! But if I find the art nouveau books I might write about designing from nature.

  11. I agree with Deanna! Looks like a beautiful location and fun times.

  12. I have her book... One of her tree quilts (the one that was on the cover of Quilting Arts many, many years ago...a willow) was the first quilts that I just absolutely fell in love with and changed the way that I saw quilt making.


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