
Friday 19 August 2011

Summertime Visit

The young man that this little chap grew into
is arriving by plane today for a bit of family time.


  1. how sweet. enjoy your time with the grownup version.

  2. I wonder how grown this little guy got to be? Have a nice time... I'm heading out for a family weekend today myself. Sailing, yipee!

  3. Have a wonderful visit Penny. I saw my girl for a total of 3 weeks this summer and I've loved every second. We really miss each other and the time we spend together is special.

    ;-) Debi

  4. D...Fully grown!
    V...Sounds like a perfect weekend on the ocean or a lake!
    Debi...And you had an amazing reason for your visit!
    B..and it will just fly/spiral by!
    N...Yes, he needs to have quiet down time to unwind from a hectic city life.

  5. Awwwwww!....cute!

    Cherish your time together.....

    x Chris


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